This post is about a month overdue, but someone once said, “It’s better late than never,” so I’m writing it now. This year, 2013, was officially numerically half over on July 3; which means, for those of you following my Art Challenge journal prompts, we are more than halfway finished!
Of course, it would be near impossible for all of you to be at the midway point short of creating your own prompts since I have been so remiss in posting each week. I offer my deepest and sincerest apologies!! To hopefully start to make up for that, I’m going to include the first 26 cards in this post, right here, right now:
I will work on writing posts on each pair I’ve missed over the next month, as well as keeping up with current weekly prompts. I hope you have found at least a few that have inspired something great. I know it’s been an interesting and valuable experience for me so far, and I can’t wait to get back into it!