Sunday, November 5, 2017

Thankful30 || Day Three: Ideas

The third thing I am thankful for is ideas. I love it when I read, hear, or see something that gives me an idea, that inspires me to do or create, to read or to write something that pulls me outside of myself. I long for that intellectual stimulation and it is so seldom that I find it.

This blog was actually created to be a place for me to do a sort of “brain dump” when I have something to work through. It hasn’t really been that, because I tend to forget that I even have it, and everyday life takes over and I get overwhelmed so easily. But also, these thoughts, these challenges for my mind are so few and far between. When I come across one it’s like a treasure and I want to cherish it and polish it and really get everything I can from it.

On Friday (November 3) I was reading for a class I’m currently taking, about culturally aware curriculum and instruction, and I came across this fantastic metaphor for culture:  a tree. It resonated with me because I am obsessed with trees, but it also began to awaken something in me that has been dormant for a few years – thinking about the “culture of Autism” and how I experience that. It is something I have been processing for a long time, deep down and sometimes in the front of my mind, and I want to explore it further. Stay tuned….

Thankful30 || Day Two: Bible Study

1102 bible study

The second thing I am thankful for this month is the Bible study I attend at my church (Trinity Baptist) on Thursday nights. It is a college group, but I am still welcome there, and I have really enjoyed it! Pastor Dan leads the discussion most nights, and cooks dinner; there is always leftover food that is sent home with whomever wants some, which is also nice, and always delicious. And the discussion is often interesting and relevant.

When I started attending last year, it was because the study was centered on a book by Timothy Keller called The Reason for God. I had listened to several of Keller’s podcasts and was interested in reading the book, so I asked if I could join the study. It turns out it’s not strictly limited to college students [smile]. This year we are reading a book called The Mind of Christ by T.W. Hunt. It’s not as interesting as I had hoped it would be, but I am still enjoying the discussion and fellowship of the group.

I am very thankful to have a place to go and study the Bible, as well as to practice being social, and get myself out of my apartment for something other than just going to work. And I am looking forward to the next study, whatever it happens to be, which will start in the new year!

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Thankful30 || Day One: Seasons


Yesterday brought the first of November and with it a reminder that the season of Thanksgiving is upon us once more. So I have decided, once again, to attempt to write about something I am thankful for each day. Of course, I already missed the first day, and almost missed this second, but I here I am to catch up.

The first thing I am thankful for is the seasons. I love that I live in the Inland Northwest where we have four distinct seasons each year. Right now Autumn is waning and Winter is quickly approaching – a heard a rumor that snow is expected tomorrow! I love this time of year, when the days are pleasant and cool, the leaves turn colors and fall from the trees, and I am blessed to work with students who aren’t ashamed to jump into a leaf pile and make “angels”!

I also think about the seasons of life, and find that I am thankful for those as well. Right now my life seems to be in a bit of a Winter, a time of stress and ill health, of searching for respect and appreciation, a way to use my gifts and fulfill some greater purpose. It is a season of struggle to be sure, but I am in the midst of it knowing that I am not alone; God always has a Spring, a rebirth, a new beginning waiting for me on the other side and I am so looking forward to this one!