Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Content With What I Have

“Contentment is not the fulfillment of what you want, but the realization of what you already have.” ~ Anonymous


Sometimes when life becomes overwhelming, I have to remind myself to stop and take a look at what I have. When I feel restless and out of place, I make myself look around and be proud of the apartment I’ve settled in, the fact that I have a place to call home that’s all my own. When thinking about work stresses me out, I remind myself that some people don’t have a job, and I’m doing what I love, which is really just a bonus to being able to make a difference in a child’s life.

If I’m honest with myself, I can say that I am content with my life as it is right now. Yes, I’m lonely, and I want a family more than anything, but I also realize I have so much already. God has blessed me with so many wonderful gifts – friends, a place to live, a car, a job I enjoy even on the worst days (although I have a really hard time remembering that on the worst days!) – and best of all, I get to have a personal relationship with the Creator of the Universe!

This is one of those moments when I can look back on my day and see the miracles that are happening. This new job is going to be one of them, over and over again, in big ways and small ways. I am very impressed with my new boss, his team approach and the way he acknowledges and listens to those working for him. I’m encouraged by how friendly and welcoming the whole climate of this new school is – to new staff, and I’m sure to the students.

I also see how this new position is fitting into the plan God has for my life. My student teaching is about to be set for January, meaning I’ll be official by June. I’m in a place where I can learn and grow professionally and personally, while at the same time help others to learn and grow. As the pieces come together I am finding encouragement and contentment, and a renewed sense of peace and safety in God’s arms. And you know what? He gives great hugs….

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