Monday, July 2, 2012

New Beginnings, The Middle, and The Not-Quite-End

I haven’t posted anything in almost three months. To be honest, I forgot I even had a blog! I was so overwhelmed with the stress of work I almost ceased to function. The weird thing is, I had no idea how totally consuming that stress was until it was gone. I also started some medication (Adderall, for ADHD) that has helped me feel quiet and focused. The difference is amazing! A new beginning I look forward to sharing with all of you! (More on that in a future post)

Now. I’m back. With another new beginning. I meant to post this yesterday, the beginning of the month, but I didn’t finish the project that was inspired by it. So it’s a day late, and the photo of the project will soon follow. It’s my intention to post every day in July, with my musings and the creations they inspire, in regards to what each day represents. For example, July 1 was “Build A Scarecrow Day”. I’m sorry this news is getting to you a day late….plan for next year.

To celebrate yesterday, I decided to create my own version of a scarecrow. It’s not quite finished, as I said, so no photo yet, and I missed posting yesterday. Oh well. Moving on. Today is the numerical midpoint of the year. Well, with 2012 being a leap year it’s a little off – there were 184 days before day, and will be 183 after. So I guess noon today is more accurately the midpoint. And that was almost four hours ago here in the Pacific Northwest. Still. It’s the middle. It’s half over.

So. I’m curious – are you an optimist, looking back and thinking, “Wow, the year is only half over and I’ve accomplished so much already!” – or are you a pessimist, looking back and thinking, “Crap! The year is already half gone and I haven’t started on my resolutions yet!!” I’d love to know. Feel free to comment.

I recently celebrated another, more personal, middle:  my half-birthday. Now I realize that most adults don’t actually celebrate these days, and I’m sad to say I joined them yet again. With my literal birthday being so close to Christmas, it’s not very often I get to do anything special on that day (December 21), so I always imagine I can postpone celebration until June. I almost never follow through. This year was no exception. I had a meeting for work….and a nap.

Finally, the end. I know you’re sad to see it come so quickly, we were just getting to something interesting, but as they say, “All good things….” (Don’t get me started on who “they” are; seriously, this “end” would never end!) Instead, I will leave you with this thought:  does the end ever really arrive? It’s kind of like “tomorrow”, a concept in time that never really happens. Every “end” is really just a new beginning, and so the cycle continues….

1 comment:

  1. Ha...I am always playing catch up. Everybody's schedules seem to be more important, so I and thinking Oh Crap!!! The year is half over and I haven't done X, Y or Z yet. LOL Not funny...
